Philosophy of Happiness: A Theoretical and Practical Examination by Martin Janello.







A. Social Media Presence. My social media activity regularly includes X, Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky, and occasionally TikTok.


A screenshot of Martin's Twitter/X Profile, depicting a portait of Martin and a lineup of his books.Posts focus on public philosophy, and in particular my mission of assisting readers  in  exploring, developing, and implementing their own philosophies. In this context, I am sharing thoughts about two linked aspects of human-centered inquiry: a) Normative Philosophy, the study and application of individual and societal human principles, and b) the Philosophy of Happiness, which deals with the optimization of human existence and thriving. Together, these subjects constitute my main fields of work. They form my contribution in advancing the arcs of German Idealism, Romanticism, and Materialism to their completion. A special interest in this respect is how machine capacitation, including artificial intelligence, affects human norms, welfare, and survival.


I also post about Meta-Philosophy, the philosophy of philosophy, particularly criticizing institutional philosophy for its vices, lack of productivity, and failure to engage the public, and discussing consequences and remedies.


I try to complement, and in some cases emphasize, the seriousness of these topics with a lighter side. So satire, sarcasm, and other banter are not out of the question.


And all this is interspersed with philosophical quotes and poems from my books in the Knowing series, and a few new ones as they come to mind. Look for the emblems below, identifying excerpts regularly streaming from each of the six books:















The Philosophy of Happiness YouTube Channel offers additional interaction opportunities. See information about its contents in Item 9 of the Resources section. Also note the more extensive interaction facilities provided in the Forum and Blog sections. Communications are subject to the Terms of Use.


B. "Philosophers on X" List. X continues to maintain the by far most numerous, relevant, and diverse social media attendance in professional Philosophy. As a service to colleagues and the public at large, I collected an all-inclusive list of these accounts. The "Philosophers on X" list is not only comprehensive by including currently active professional philosophers and aspirants as well as their organizations and publications. It also spans the world to include geographies and cultures outside the US and mainstay Europe, and philosophical work in academic disciplines beyond departmental Philosophy. Its goal is to broaden horizons by pointing where philosophy can be found thriving.


Maybe unexpectedly for some, but also tellingly, nobody previously thought of putting anything like this together. However, such a list is very much necessary for two reasons: a) Institutional Western Philosophy is still exceedingly racist and supremacist, apart from token exceptions that highlight the prevailing myth of exceptionalism even more. And b) departmental Philosophy is often grotesquely parochial and elitist and thus unaware or unreceptive of philosophical scholarship and foundations in other disciplines.


To understand the current landscape and import of Philosophy, one must review, beyond its institutionalization, relevant work in Jurisprudence, other Humanities, and sciences. Jurisprudence, the foundational study of Law, examines the nature, roots, structures, methods, and principles of human normativity. Among other Humanities and sciences, the philosophically most prominent are those undertaking elemental, interdisciplinary, or overarching inquiries, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer and other engineering, biology, medicine, anthropology, linguistics, literature, sociology, politology, economy, ecology, history, futurology, neurology, psychology, architecture, design, and art.


The “Philosophers on X” List references this array of sources. It also aims to transcend narrow-mindedness as well as informational and communicative limitations by globally collecting and connecting contributors. Its timeline reveals vibrant, diverse, and engaging streams of philosophical consciousness. A unique resource of broad and deep thinking.


C. "Practical Philosophy Quotes". This connected but separate X account contains my selection of the most salient and useful quotes for generating a philosophy of life. I accumulated these gems over several decades of Philosophy studies. Many of them are relatively unknown. The same quotes are streaming in my other social networks without being separated.


Green and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a green rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on apricot background.
Red and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a red rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on pink background.
Yellow and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on purple background.
Blue and black title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a blue rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on grey background.
Yellow and white title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on midnight blue.
Black and white title plus stylized, 8-pronged white stars with a yellow rhombus in each tip and separate rhombi on yellow background.
Wallpaper type patchwork of small, differently colored daisy flowers on varied backgrounds.


Drawing in black ink of an open daisy flower facing the viewer. The daisy is the symbol of the Philosophy of Happiness book and website.