Drawing in black ink of an open daisy flower facing the viewer. The daisy is the symbol of the Philosophy of Happiness book and website.
Philosophy of Happiness: A Theoretical and Practical Examination by Martin Janello.


The Happiness Principle: Why We Need A Personal Philosophy of Happiness




Happiness is a universal human objective. We all want to be happy. But how we define, pursue, and maintain happiness often seems vague and elusive. That is why we need a personal philosophy of happiness.


The presentation in this section lays out the underlying considerations and examines why other avenues of securing happiness are not succeeding. And it describes how we can arrive at our personal philosophy, guided by a deep understanding of our happiness. Happiness then reveals itself not only as our ultimate objective but also as its own organizing principle: The Happiness Principle. Watch this presentation on the Philosophy of Happiness YouTube Channel by clicking here or the thumbnail below:


click daisy to return to Intros page

YouTube Thumbnail for the video "The Happiness Principle: Why We Need A Personal Philosophy Of Happiness."


The video is closed-captioned. A transcript  can be viewed on this page below or in PDF format. See also PhilPapers. The text below contains a segmented audio version. Access to and use of the text, audio, and video are subject to the Terms of Use, and by accessing any of them you confirm you have read and agree to the Terms of Use.

Photo of Martin Janello sitting at his desk, excerpted from the video "The Happiness Principle: Why We Need A Personal Philosophy Of Happiness."
Graphic of direct view of the sun against a blue sky, diffused by the atmosphere and its inherent brightness.


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 © 2013-2025 BY MARTIN JANELLO