Drawing in black ink of an open daisy flower facing the viewer. The daisy is the symbol of the Philosophy of Happiness book and website.
Philosophy of Happiness: A Theoretical and Practical Examination by Martin Janello.


Philosophy of Happiness: A Critical Introduction





The above-titled article summarizes (a) what philosophy of happiness is, (b) why it should matter to us, (c) what assistance we can draw from philosophy, empiric science, religion, and self-help sources, and (d) why taking an independent approach is both necessary and feasible.

Light blue background, black writing, graphic of large, centered, white daisy flower.


The article can be accessed without charge in written and spoken word on this page below, divided by sections, or in an illustrated PDF format (see first four pages depicted below). See also PhilPapers. The table of contents in the PDF document links directly to the listed captions. Section 9 of this format contains a list of linked philosophical research references. The article is further published in a Kindle edition at the lowest price permitted by Amazon: .com, .co.uk, .ca, .au, .de, .fr, .it, .es, .nl, .jp, .in, .mx, and .br.


YouTube Thumbnail for the audio "Philosophy Of Happiness: A Critical Introduction."


A contiguous audio version of the article (except for the reference list in Section 9) is available in the Introductions playlist on the Philosophy of Happiness YouTube Channel.


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click daisy to return to Intros page


Copy of page 1 of "Philosophy of Happiness: A Critical Introduction," a 60-page article by Martin Janello. Copy of page 2 of "Philosophy of Happiness: A Critical Introduction," a 60-page article by Martin Janello. Copy of page 3 of "Philosophy of Happiness: A Critical Introduction," a 60-page article by Martin Janello. Copy of page 4 of "Philosophy of Happiness: A Critical Introduction," a 60-page article by Martin Janello.


“Philosophy of Happiness” is a phrase used by self-help, religious, philosophical, and empirical inquiries to describe their premises, arguments, and conclusions on what happiness is and how it can be secured. The commonality of this phrase hides a vast variety of concepts and degrees of achievement about the subject. This article provides a critical overview of these contributions. To follow its analysis, we need to start with the fundamental questions what Philosophy of Happiness is and why it matters. The answers to these questions emerge if we examine the component terms of this phrase in relation to each other.


Closeup square graphic of yellow center of white daisy flower on light blue background.


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 © 2013-2025 BY MARTIN JANELLO